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Instrumentation is dened as the art and science of measurement and control of the process variables within a production or manufacturing area. Control engineers are responsible for the research, design, development and control devices/systems, typically in manufacturing facilities and plants.


Process instrumentation and analytics ensure ensures the highest productivity and resource eciency. Even under the toughest conditions, the products we use set the benchmark for precision. Their eective user interfaces simplify handling, maintenance, and operation. Use our interactive process charts for the dierent subsegments to nd the right solution for your application. In the oil and gas industry, unconventional methods and extraction under more dicult conditions are becoming more common. This makes safety and eciency even more important.

Extractive and Continuous Process Gas Analysis
  • Continuous determination of concentrations of one or more gases in a gas mixture.
  • Control and monitor process flows.
  • Check emissions.
Process Gas Chromatography
  • Combines the most diverse detectors with a flexible oven solution.
  • Eminently suitable for applications ranging from simple to complex
Analytical Application Sets
  • Standardized system solutions. 
  • Supplement the range of individual system solutions.
  • For a wide range of sector-specific applications.
Analyzer System Manager
  • PC-based HMI system for monitoring, testing, and management of analyzers
  • Information collected via various communication protocols and saved in a central database
  • User-friendly operator interface for accessing measured value trends, device states and statistical evaluations, or starting test routines.
  • Comprehensive reporting module with predefined reports for documenting evaluations
  • Maintenance module for planning, monitoring, and documenting device-specific maintenance task