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Gas to liquids

GTL (gas to liquid) is a renery process that transforms liquid transportation fuels from gaseous fossil fuels.
The process of transforming gas into liquids (GTLs) is mainly controlled by the Fisher-Tropsch synthesis. This
process chemically converts natural gas to liquids (GTL), producing a natural gas-derived, clean-burning, diesel
fuel. Because the products are colorless, odorless hydrocarbons with very little impurity, the GTL process converts
natural gas into exceptionally clean diesel fuel. Adding to its importance on the environmental side, reneries can
also use GTL to convert some of their gaseous hydrocarbon waste products into valuable fuel oil which can be used
to generate more valuable income.
The Fisher-Tropsch synthesis consists of three main technologies that will systematically transform our natural gas
into liquid biofuel:
1) the production of syngas (mainly CO and H2) from natural gas.
2) the catalytic (F-T) synthesis, where syngas is transformed into long-chained paran.
3) Cracking, where produced molecules are cracked to come up with useful down-products (generally produced
molecules come in the C5-C12 “Naphtha” range).

Solutions Overview: Sectors we can tackle



A refinery is a manufacturing facility that consists of a collection of chemical engineering unit processes and unit activities that refine materials or turn raw materials into valuable products.

Solutions Overview: Sectors we can tackle

Many actions may be taken to get an optimized renery, and these are understood as follows:
1- Measuring and controlling parameters
2- Detection, signaling, and recording of parameters that deviate from predened bounds.
3- Production and distribution of operational data
4- Backup of parameter history
5- Calculation jobs include the following:
– Calculating steam consumption per unit,
– Calculating fuel oil consumption for furnace combustion,
– Calculating fuel gas consumption for furnace combustion.
– Calculation of raw material and energy consumption, as well as the production of oil products
– Running time logging of equipment
– Running time logging of pumps, fans, and other equipment
6- Implementation of Emergency Shutdown (ESD), including:
– pump safety from the high pump and electric motor bearing temperatures and low supply line pressure (pump
– High-temperature lockout at the exhaust gas dam, product output, and so forth.
– Protection against furnace lockout in the event of a false sensor signal.
– Protection against unauthorized furnace ignition.
7- Automatic condensate evacuation from the flare tank level by the pump.
8- Auto-activation of a backup power supply fan.
9- Subsystems for automatic regulation and remote control, etc.
10- Control signals to the re suppression and ventilation systems.
11- Self-diagnosis of hardware and software components.
The automation in refining processing others a lot for the industry:
1- Get a control system in respect of the rules and regulations on re and explosion safety.
2- Increasing the dependability and performance characteristics of the equipment.
3- Improving the economic efficiency of plants by:

Solutions Overview: Sectors we can tackle

a- Improving the quality of technical processes by improving digital regulation and control.
b- Reducing losses due to control system failures through the employment of more dependable monitoring,
control and display systems.
c- Losses from pre-emergency scenarios and ineffective technology modes are reduced.
d- Lower hardware maintenance expenses as a result of the adoption of more flexible and advanced equipment
protection measures.
e- Improving efficiency and decreasing the complexity of operational personnel’s work.
4- improving the accuracy of maintaining a process mode.
5- Improving the dependability of the equipment and the quality of oil products.
6- Obtaining fuels of the best quality.
7- Improving installation workers’ working conditions.